Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Super Bowl 39

Hmm. How come when real numbers are used, the Super Bowl sounds like an offshoot of Ranch 99?

Anyway. In this new era of appreciation for family, I decided to be the good Chinese son and watch the Super Bowl at home in Danville. I figured, with my impending departure to Evanston, it would be good to catch the game with my little bro and my dad.

The play-by-play:

1:15 pm: Dodger calls Yangstar, leaves vm saying that he won't be able to make the rowdy beer n chips fest in the city. He's gonna go home. It feels good to do the right thing.
1:23 pm: Dodger pulls up into driveway.
1:25 pm: "Where's Dad?" he asks. Mom informs him that Dad is out helping a relative move.
1:30 pm: "Has the game started?" he inquires to his bro. No, but he's leaving soon to his friend's house to watch, Dodger learns.
1:40 pm: Dodger heads out and walks the dog.
World - 1. Dodger - 0.
Happy SB everyone.

Well, y'know what. Watching it by myself can be fun (I tell myself, since there is no one present to perform this duty). Yeah! Let's get psyched! I turn on the TV and regale in being a curmudgeonly critic.

SB39 Highlights:
  • The pre-game show emphasizes the military service provided by America's armed forces. They even thank George Sr. on his participation during WWII. Conspicuously absent is comment about Junior. Unscripted TV rocks!
  • A little kid performs the coin toss. Apparently, they didn't train him .. the coin flies flat and lands with Tails up. I smile. The Patriots, who called Tails, no doubt think... stupid kid!
  • Returning from commercial, there's a shot of a dolphin popping up from a pool with a football in its mouth. It just sits in front of the camera, with the giant ball jammed in its mouth. The shot hangs long enough until everyone - even the non-PETA types -- start feeling a mite uncomfortable. The game comes back on and the announcer wonders aloud, "Is that real?" ... no one answers him. I smile again.
  • Bill Belicek runs to the Eagles side of the field after commercial break. Wow. Embarrassing.
  • commercial best I've seen so far. Who's got tix to the next congressional hearing?
RIIING! my cell rings and I desperately (err, I mean, casually ... actually, offhandedly!, grab it. it's a 214 area code. hmm, weird. hmm human contact or watching the game by myself? I'd ask the coin toss kid to help me, but I know he'd encourage me to go for the gold.

I answer it.

"Rogelio? Como estas? Recuerdeme?"

Ay caramba. It's Alberto (name changed to protect the innocent --namely, myself) my Texan stalker. All of a sudden , watching the game by myself didn't seem so bad after all.


Blogger Pooch said...

Alvaro? I'm confused. The Super Bowl is overrated.

10:19 PM  
Blogger tatertot said...

I love Alvaro! Tell him I said hi and that yo quiero bailar con ustedes!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Jedi Wes said...

Ya know - I noticed the kid "flip" the coin. I told my girlfriend that all that big-ass coin did was spin around without actually *flipping* - funny. As for the commercials, I liked the FedEx Superbowl Ad Formula commercial, the GoDaddy ad (what straight male wouldn't? "I have a routine ..."), and the Careerbuilder one ("I work with a buncha monkeys") Did you also get annoyed when the Mustang commercial was shown three times? (Twice in about a 3 minute span).

12:11 PM  

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