Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Friday Night Quarterbacking

Sometimes, it takes me a few days before my consciousness finally catches up with the decisions I've made. And as I mentally audit the past, there are those unfortunate moments when you realize that you should have paid attention the first time around.

As I brushed my teeth tonight, I suddenly thought back to this past Tuesday, when my friend CMUG out of the blue called me at work.

"Hey! What are you doing next week?"
"Hmm. Working."
"Do you want to go back to our high school for Career Day and talk about what you do?"
"I duuuuunnno." I open Outlook and look at a day packed with appointments. "I'm pretty tied up with meetings and projects. Things are pretty rough these days."
"Are you sure? It would be so fun! And they only do it every two years."
"Yeah.... I don't think I can get away."
"Alright then, just wanted to check. Talk to you later."

It took me nearly four days to finally think over this exchange. Suddenly, tonight, I snapped to my senses and realized that I just passed on the most amazing opportunity to share my experiences with those who could really benefit from some advice - teenagers toeing graduation and their foray into college or the working world.

I realize that I passed on an unforgettable experience for one that will be utterly forgetable - another day of frenzied paper pushing, emails., and conference calls. Somehow, despite my impending departure, my loyalty to my work prevented me from seeing the bigger picture and answering when opportunity knocked.


Did I mention I always dreamt of such an opportunity to help guide young lives? In fact, I've thought out several business schemes involving life tutoring and counseling for the youth.


Don't ever get lost in the thicket my friends. Maybe I could have shuffled my meetings around. Who knows, maybe they will get Cancelled anyway. Don't ever shut doors on yourself. Don't ever convince yourself out of doing what you've always wanted to do.

And above all, don't ever forget what's important ... and what isn't.


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