Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Meat Tooth Jr.

Doggone! I thought my days of deteriorating chompers were long behind me.

Alas, I suddenly discovered last night that I couldn't really eat with my right side. Every time I'd bite down, a tingling sensation would shoot down into my entire being. Egads! Upon closer inspection, I discoverd a tiny hole in my molar that exposed what, in my pseudo-DDS-ness opinion, are oh-so-synaptic nerve endings of my gums.

I got me a cavity, Vern!

This unfortunate episode harkened back memories of ol' Meat Tooth, the Moby Dick of bad teeth. When I was ten or so, I recall wondering why a certain area of my mouth smelled like wrongness (which, if you don't know, smells very un-wonderful). Upon further inspection and probing with floss (who's preventative characteristics I had not yet embraced), I discovered there to be a small crevice in one of my molars. When that tooth fell out, I found there to be a small cave inside the tooth. I believe a piece of meat (most likely from the ribs Mom always made) had lodged itself between that molar and a neighboring tooth and spent several years creating this little home. How clever, meat, how clever indeed.

Wish me luck at the dentist tomorrow. Meat Tooth jr. be gone!


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