Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Today is a lazy day. Why? Because I have nothing pressing to do tonight. That, in short, is fantastically fun. There is nothing better than drinking OJ, listening to some mp3s, and fiddling on my computer.

As I don't feel like getting to philosophical or weird/gross or complainy today, I shall instead present to you the list of randumb stuff.
  • Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? huh? no. way. she is no nicole kidman, sorry! Will this last, you ask? Two words, one movie - Mission Impossible.
  • Flunking the Eye Exam. So I went to the opto today and sat behind the spectrometer -- the giant lens machine that the doc uses to say "1 -- 2 , 2---1". Normally these tests last 5 minutes. I was tested for nearly 15 minutes! my vision started to blur and my eyes got weak. soon, the 2's looked like 8's ... which looked like B's ... and then 6's!! It was a mess and in the end, the doctor gave up. SHE GAVE UP! she pulled out some crazy antiquated machine and put it on my face. I think it's what optos used before they invented the spectrometer (or whatever it's called) thing. It looke downright medieval. Anyway, I wore that thing (no doubt looking like a mad scientist all the while) and she fiddled some more.1---2. 2....1? I asked her to repeat it a few times and then she stood up and said my eyes were too dry and maladjusted without my contacts. Then she proceeded to tell my my eyes were desensitized raisins that shouldn't have contacts on em for at least half the day ....Doh.
  • Questionable Apprentice showdown. Anyone wonder how it is that there exactly 2 old schoolers and 2 new schoolers? After all these reality show exposes, I am pretty sure the thing is rigged and that the right mix of people make it to the end. ...Shods. (but I'm still gonna watch)
  • Project Russell Wong/Rick Yoon. So my attempt at growing out my hair to look more Hollywood/Corporate-friendly isn't progressing as I'd like. Rather than flop down and be combable, instead it is creating a sort of umbrella-ish look (aka mushroom). I am considering hair relaxant/straightener ... but the outcome is unknown. Who knows. Maybe it's spikyness forever for yours truly. Perhaps I should go for the Scarecrow look. Perhaps more feasible. ...Doggone.
and that's the Randumb list for tonight. It' you say, a slow news day :).


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