Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Genius Abound

I've always loved being around smart and accomplished people. Their views on life and achievements always infused me with the belief that i could go anywhere and be anything (which happens to be a line in the Reading Rainbow song btw). It's always so cool to have so many people to look up to. Cases in point...
  • My high school buddy's bro recently released "Year of the Yao", the new documentary on Yao Ming
  • my bro Jer just completed his mcat! (a monster of a test I shudder to even think about)
  • McM scored a massive 760 on the ol gmat
  • LHM just became on heckuva young VP at a NY financial firm
  • Xelagirl recently left the States to to return to her five-year journey in helping an orphanage in Central America (she started Cal with senior standing...)
  • Tots is going to evaluate what is broken with local charter schools and write a bizplan to fix 'em
I know, I know ... idolizing others' achievements isn't necessarily helpful in reaching one's own dreams. Being a sideline fan doesn't get me in the game any faster. What it does, though, is remind you that goals can be achieved, risks should be taken, and tomorrow is never set in stone until it becomes yesterday.

Perhaps this reflective mood strikes me as I am amidst my own challenges at work. Although I am frequently the last to leave, one to work weekends, or simply to try hard at the office, it's no secret that I am somewhat underpaid for my position. I know money isn't everything, but I pity the fool who says it doesn't equate to self worth in the organization (still in doubt? watch Jerry McGuire). As I stand on the cusp of leaving behind a workplace I've been dedicated to, I definitely feel that pinch of dismay at discovering that my replacement may be offered nearly 30 grand more. ...yeah, it sucks just a smidge.

So, what's the lesson of the day? Never lose sight of what you want. And while you're busy pursuing that, know your full worth and never stop demanding the respect that you deserve.

Good luck in being all that you can be, peeps. May our journeys always lead to increasingly wonderful days ahead.