Fun Alley

"Life ees fun." - nouveau Confucian, my ex-coworker The Kreesh

Location: Hayward, California, United States

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Rich Enough To Get A Hot Wife?

Dub, Pand, and I were driving throughout SF and Sausalito on our Be A Tourist Day when we passed by what we thought to be Jerry Yang's house (of Yahoo fame).

Pand: "Is Jerry married?"
Dub: "Yeah. I think so."
Pand: "Is his wife hot?"
Dub: ", I think she's normal."
Pand: "You'd think he's rich enough to get a hot wife."
Dub, Me (in unison):
Dub (recovering faster than me): "but what about love? doesn't that count?"
Pand: ...

As quick as we all would be to leap at Pand, fingers all a'accusing, it is interesting how common this thought process really is.

The more money, success, and/or fame you have, the "better" the significant other should be. And, in today's superficial world, apparently attractiveness/hot quotient is all that it takes to be "better".

Even I'm not immune. When I found out that Katie Holmes was dating Tom Cruise, I balked with the best of em. Dawson's Creek fodder in the same company as Jerry Maguire? Pshaw, I think not. After all, I had thought, "She's no Nicole Kidman." (read: not hot enough)

What do I know of these people? Nothing, really. Are they funny? Brilliant? Quirky? Who knows. And do I care? Nope - I do my cursory review of the couple's picture and make my snap yet oh-so-authoritative proclamation on the chances for survival. I assess the relationship equilibrium and pass down the decree.

Wow, I'm so Chinese parent that it's scary.